Mr. Rances
Conduct Plan


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 Welcome back to school. I’m sure to it is hard to believe how fast time flies. With God’s blessing, this year will be a year in which they continue to grow spiritually as well as academically and in which they continue to develop their leadership skills. As we have discussed in class, the best leader is the one who sets the good example. With this in mind, the following conduct plan is in effect in our classroom.



1.          Enter the classroom quietly.

2.          Follow direction the first time they are given.

3.          Give your full attention to whoever is speaking in the class.

4.          Come to class prepared, with books, supplies, and homework.

5.          Speak kindly to and about each other.


 A A student who behaves appropriately will earn the following.

·         Verbal Praise  

·         “Oopsies”

·         Treats

·         Extra Recess


 If If a student chooses not to follow a rule:

1st 1st time:  Name on board – 25 words vocabulary assignment

2n 2nd time:  Name on board + one check – 50 words vocabulary assignment

3rd 3rd time: Name on board + two checks – 75 words vocabulary assignment

4rt 4rth  time: Name on board + three checks – Detention


 Names will be erased from the board daily. Parents will be notified if a pattern of minor, but consistent problems begin to develop. We have discussed this plan in class. I would appreciate it if you can go over these with your son or daughter before signing and returning the form below.

There’s an old Chinese proverb that goes “If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.” I believe this is what teachers are all called to do. We, as educators, need to prepare children for the future because they are the future. Teaching is more than a job or a career. It is a vocation. And as such, we have been given the huge responsibility of properly equipping the youth of today the necessary tools to succeed in the world of tomorrow. This entails dedication, perseverance, and commitment. This is my philosophy. This is my mission.


Mr. R

Our Lady of Lourdes School
18437 Superior Street
Northridge, CA 91325
(818) 349 0245

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Knowledge is power